How To Style A Winter Tiered Tray

How To Style A Winter Christmas Tiered Tray
Hi friends, I hope your having an amazing day. If you found your way to my blog than you must be decorating or just doing some light reading on home decor. Either way they’re both loads of fun lol. Recently I posted my Vlogmas Day 8 video on Youtube and it was all about decorating a winter or Christmas themed tiered tray.
OK,OK if you’re looking at the pictures on this post you must be thinking “girl!, that’s NOT a tiered tray lol !” Look if it sounds and looks and more importantly , functions like a duck , it’s a DUCK. I picked up this simple wooden display piece from the Target Dollar Spot this year. Although many items are no longer $1 , I still have to stop there every time I’m in the store.
The beautiful thing about a tiered tray is its versatility. It can be used just about anywhere during any season! So this $5 Target find certainly fits the bill for a tiered tray in my book. Or should I say in my blog lol. Now let’s get into styling this bad boy.
The task for this collab was for each lady to come up with a winter or Christmas theme for their tray. I chose to mix it up and combine the two. When designing your tray make sure you think about where it will live. Just like people , we need to be able to adapt and fit into our environment or surroundings. My tray would reside in the middle of our dining room table so it was imperative that my design matched the already existing decor from my tablescape. Hence the black and white color scheme I chose for my tiered tray.
Once you decide where your tray will live, pick out a color scheme/theme. Try your best to stick with this to ensure uniformity. Tiered trays allow us to corral our favorite items giving a clutter free environment. Therefore when decorating be sure to stick to your theme so the final look doesn’t appear to be cluttered. For winter or Christmas, simply pick out items that go with the season. During this time of year I think of snow, snowmen, trees, deer & gifts. So those are the items you may want to think about picking up. Look for a mixture of signs, garland, beads, ribbons and little animals to bring a festive feel to your design.
One thing to keep in mind is the height and width of each piece. Definitely look for smaller pieces to fill your tray. It’s the opposite of styling a wall where you’d want large pieces of art to fill the walls. The thing to remember in any design project is you must design to scale. Don’t be afraid to move things around and play with your design until your happy with the outcome.
Once you have a tiered tray decorated I guarantee you’ll love the cozy feel it brings to your space. If you have any questions feel free to leave me a comment or email. If you style a tiered tray tag me on Instagram for a feature. I just love seeing what people create. Happy Decorating!!

Written by accordingtocicely
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